International visibility of Extremadura's research


  • María J. Reyes-Barragán Universidad de Extremadura. Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación
  • Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote Universidad de Extremadura. Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación
  • Féliz Moya-Anegón Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación



science evaluation, science and technology indicators, scientific production, bibliometrics, bibliometric indicators, Extremadura, Spain


An overview is given of research in the Extremadura Autonomous Community (EAC) on the basis of the study of different parameters in different thematic domains. To this end, an analysis is made of the intensity of technological Research and Development (R&D) on the one hand, and of the scientific output in the period 1990-2002, using the ISI databases. Socioeconomic and bibliometric indicators are used to show the relationship between the resources invested in R&D and the results obtained, and the positioning of the EAC in different geographical contexts. The EAC is found to follow patterns of behaviour and trends that are similar to those of other geographical domains, and with a quite acceptable level of return on investment in R&D.


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How to Cite

Reyes-Barragán, M. J., Guerrero-Bote, V. P., & Moya-Anegón, F. (2006). International visibility of Extremadura’s research. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 29(4), 525–550.


