Hospital R&D activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, as identified through websites


  • C. A. Macías-Chapula Hospital General de México. Dirección de Investigación. Centro Electrónico de Información e Investigación Documental para la Salud (CEIDS)
  • J. A. Mendoza-Guerrero Hospital General de México. Dirección de Investigación. Centro Electrónico de Información e Investigación Documental para la Salud (CEIDS)
  • I. P. Rodea-Castro Hospital General de México. Dirección de Investigación. Centro Electrónico de Información e Investigación Documental para la Salud (CEIDS)
  • E. Juárez-Sánchez Hospital General de México. Dirección de Investigación. Centro Electrónico de Información e Investigación Documental para la Salud (CEIDS)
  • A. Gutiérrez-Carrasco Hospital General de México. Dirección de Investigación. Centro Electrónico de Información e Investigación Documental para la Salud (CEIDS)



scientific communication, research and development, hospitals, Latin America and the Caribbean, developing countries, health information, cybermetrics, Internet, websites


The purpose of this work is to present the results of a study on the content analysis of hospital websites of nine Latin-American and Caribbean countries. The study was limited to the R&D activities reported in the websites of the hospitals. Hospital websites were selected through an internet search in three search engines. The term hospital(s) was used and intersected with each one of the countries selected. Only hospital websites reporting three or more indicators were selected in the study. Out of 454 hospital websites, only 38 (8.37%) reported three or more indicators of R&D activities. Mexico was head in the list with 17 hospitals; followed by Argentina (7); Peru (5); Cuba (3); Brasil (2); Colombia (2); and Chile (2). Venezuela and Costa Rica were excluded from the study since both countries could not meet the criteria of inclusion. The study allowed exploring on the difficulties faced to obtain those hospitals that develop R&D activities, and that reported on their websites information related to the above mentioned activity.


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How to Cite

Macías-Chapula, C. A., Mendoza-Guerrero, J. A., Rodea-Castro, I. P., Juárez-Sánchez, E., & Gutiérrez-Carrasco, A. (2007). Hospital R&amp;D activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, as identified through websites. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 30(4), 503–522.




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