Comparative study of six National Scientific Dominions


  • M.ª Eugenia Espinosa-Calvo Universidad de Extremadura, Departamento Información y Comunicación, Scimago Research Group
  • Benjamín Vargas-Quesada Universidad de Granada Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, Scimago Research Group
  • Vicente P. Rosa Guerrero-Bote Universidad de Extremadura, Departamento Información y Comunicación, Scimago Research Group
  • Félix de Moya-Anegón CSIC, CCHS, IPP, Scimago Research Group, Spain.



Materials Science, categories, cocitation, countries, scientograms


This work analyses the area of materials science. Materials science has existed since the earliest civilizations. The development and evolution of societies has been intimately linked to the ability of their members to produce and shape materials to meet their needs. However, materials science has only recently been established as a recognised academic discipline, a consequence of the agglomeration of different areas of science. The citation habits and scientograms associated with this field could therefore be related to the scientific tradition and culture of each country. In this study, the citation networks of six of the most developed countries in the year 2002 were examined using a new technique that graphically represents these networks as scientograms. The technique makes use of cocitation between topic categories of the JCR to generate a network of categories which is graphically represented. The scientograms obtained, which represent the citation networks of each country examined, reflect the cultures of the different nations studied.


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How to Cite

Espinosa-Calvo, M. E., Vargas-Quesada, B., Rosa Guerrero-Bote, V. P., & de Moya-Anegón, F. (2009). Comparative study of six National Scientific Dominions. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 32(3), 9–28.


