Construction of a quality verification tool for Internet-based scientific research portals and networks


  • Ángel De-Juanas Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Rodrigo Pardo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Alfonso Diestro Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Amelia Ferro Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Javier Sampedro Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Assessment, quality, indicators, web, scientific portals, social sciences, health sciences, verification tool, research


This study proposes a verification tool, validated by experts, for detecting the presence of quality indicators in scientific portals and websites related to Social and Health Sciences. Three studies were carried out using a non-experimental mixed design: document analysis and qualitative and quantitative assessments performed by referees. The result was the development of the QuaSciWeb tool which contains 57 items spread over 6 categories of analysis: 1) Identity and authorship; 2) User interface; 3) Contents; 4) Surfing and data recovery; 5) User experience; 6) Visibility and dissemination. The tool permits a) the assessment of the quality of scientific portals and websites, b) the identification of the contents needed for improvement and c) concrete guidelines which can be used by programmers and web designers.


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How to Cite

De-Juanas, Ángel, Pardo, R., Diestro, A., Ferro, A., & Sampedro, J. (2012). Construction of a quality verification tool for Internet-based scientific research portals and networks. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 35(4), 555–572.


