Influence of the production of new knowledge and postgraduate theses over the categorization of research groups in Social Sciences: a Decision tree applied to the Colombian scientific model




scientific production, PhD thesis, social sciences, research groups, articles


This study assess the productivity of 168 Colombian research groups in social sciences, according to their production of new knowledge (articles included in Web of Science, Scopus and other indexes, books and chapters of books) and human capital (master’s and doctoral theses). The production influence in the categorization of the groups in the Colombian scientific model was identified throughout an analysis of classification trees. The production of books is still frequent in this field of knowledge, although it does not significantly influence in the categorization; the most representative products were the articles indexed in WoS or Scopus, along with doctoral theses. Even though the Colombian scientific model includes a variety of products, the classification of research groups privileges the production collected in international databases, which is not a common practice in Social Sciences.


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How to Cite

Ávila-Toscano, J. H., Romero Pérez, I., Saavedra Guajardo, E., & Marenco-Escuderos, A. (2018). Influence of the production of new knowledge and postgraduate theses over the categorization of research groups in Social Sciences: a Decision tree applied to the Colombian scientific model. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 41(4), e218.




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