Sourcing Research Papers on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ Competitiveness: An approach based on authors’ networks




competitiveness, small and medium-sized enterprises, key performance indicators, authors network, Sci2 Tool


This study aims to present a scientometric analysis, based on author’s network maps, to determine the most influential and relevant authors with papers published about the subject Small- and medium-sized enterprises, competitiveness and its measurement, including the use of key performance indicators. Academic research relies on the prospection to retrieve the most relevant research studies and establishing links to authors from key international research groups. To facilitate this study, we used the Scopus and Web of Science databases research results, due to the significant number of indexed scientific articles. The extracted data were compiled and analysed through author’s networks using the statistical software Sci2 Tool, which supports temporal, geospatial, topical, and networks analysis. This study also attempts to point out the research trends and gaps in this area. Results obtained are illustrated by maps of author’s networks that reveal the main authors and research subject groups, thereby enhancing access to information from a scientific approach.


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How to Cite

Benitez Nara, E. O., Schaefer, J. L., de Moraes, J., Carvalho Tedesco, L. P., Furtado, J. C., & Baierle, I. C. (2019). Sourcing Research Papers on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ Competitiveness: An approach based on authors’ networks. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 42(2), e230.


