Collaboration networks for management area. The case of Colombian universities




Bibliometrics, social networks analysis, subject area business, management and accounting, organizational networks, scientist collaboration, Colombia


The aim of this study is to analyze the academic production of Colombian organizations published in the journals indexed in SCOPUS in business management and accounting subject area. We selected those papers published from 1991 to 2015, for a total of 1019 documents. To identify the scientific collaboration in this area, we made an analysis of social networks and a description of the papers selected according to the characteristics of the journals in which they were published. Among the main results, the increase in the number of articles during the years 2008–2015, due both to the increase in the number of journals from this area indexed in SCOPUS in the Latin American region and the institutional pressure. The results show that researchers affiliated to Colombian institutions in the business area have developed international collaboration networks in recent years.


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How to Cite

Serna-Gómez, H. M., Quintero-Agudelo, M. F., Castro-Escobar, E. S., & Calderón-Hernández, G. (2019). Collaboration networks for management area. The case of Colombian universities. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 42(2), e236.


