Records and document management in the IT Governance frameworks: best practices and standardization (COBIT framework)




Records management, technical standards, COBIT, reference frameworks, information assets management


Organizations have at their disposal different standards that provide guidance for the governance and management of information services and systems. These standards are made up of the best practices developed by public and private organizations. They are also presented in the form of frameworks that define objectives, key process indicators and processes. Entities can use these frameworks and standards as a basis to define their own internal processes and compare them with the best practices in the industry. Among these frameworks, one that is especially relevant is the COBIT model developed by ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) and international standards like ISO/IEC 38500. This paper analyses the presence of document management practices and specific standards (in particular ISO 15489 and ISO 30300) within the COBIT framework.


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How to Cite

Eito-Brun, R., & Calleja Aliaga, C. (2020). Records and document management in the IT Governance frameworks: best practices and standardization (COBIT framework). Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 43(3), e272.


