Digital Transformation in the methods and subjects of the Brazilian Library and Information Science research (2010-2019)




subject analysis, content analysis, SSCI-WoS, Brazil, journal articles, Library and Information Science, digital transformation


From the Social Sciences Citation Index database, those Brazilian scientific articles that address issues, methods and consequences of digital transformation into LIS, in the 2010-2019 interval are identified. Dynamic tables are elaborated with the titles and keywords of the 1039 retrieved articles. The categorization of the titles is done by experts, while for the keywords, the n-grams model is used along with the Fruchterman-Reingold filter. Their co-occurrences are visualized in clusters elaborated with the Louvain method of community detection. The results are presented in tables and commented graphics on the internationalization, co-authorship and interdisciplinarity of the articles, together with the research techniques followed in them. In The thematic progression of those that refer to the Digital environment is studied. An abundant and significant contribution of the Brazilian authors to the study of the effects that the digital scenarios cause in the information sector is observed.


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How to Cite

Paletta, F. C. ., & Moreiro-González, J.-A. . (2021). Digital Transformation in the methods and subjects of the Brazilian Library and Information Science research (2010-2019). Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 44(2), e293.




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