Repercussion of the open access electronic scientific publication in the budgets and the access to the scientific information in the Spanish university libraries


  • Salvador Sánchez García de las Bayonas Universidad de Alicante.



open access movement, library services, serials crisis in scholarly


Analysis of the repercussion in the budgets destined to the investment in the access to electronic scientific information of the Library Services of the Spanish universities and, also the access of the investigators to this information thanks to the appearance of the open access electronic scientific literature movement. Comparisons are showed with the model based on the subscription to electronic resources of information in the Library Services.
Information have been extracted of the official memories, web sites and Yearbooks REBIUN, being compared between universities and Library Services. The results show how the budgets continue increasing although slower than level of the recommended, it isn’t taking place a saving in the inverted money but a greater efficiency, as well as an increase of the resources in opened available for the users without they exist still means to be able to measure or to value the impact.
The electronic scientific publications in opened are the scientific information resource with greater perspective of growth and they are presented at University Library Services, contributing to the shift of paradigm in the scientific communication. Library Services represent a very important role in this context being the intermediaries between the producers and the users of the open information resources.


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How to Cite

Sánchez García de las Bayonas, S. (2007). Repercussion of the open access electronic scientific publication in the budgets and the access to the scientific information in the Spanish university libraries. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 30(3), 323–342.


