Librarian services: a perspective of students with disabilities and the library staff of six university libraries in Madrid


  • Ana Nieves Millán Reyes Biblioteca Digital del Voluntariado y las Asociaciones. Liga Giennense para la Educación y la Cultura Popular



University libraries, disability, persons with disability, library services, legislation, Madrid Region, special services, accessibility, functional diversity, staff librarian


Main results about the research on the University Libraries in the Region of Madrid in connection with users with disabilities and their staff are shown. Also the perception of the service seen by both groups. The methodology uses the questionnaire as a measuring instrument to extract the data, findings and conclusions of both groups. Statistical analysis was descriptive and bivariate (non-parametric tests). The main results are the finding of a population of users with disabilities, and its habits, perceptions about the funds, facilities and library materials. The presence of services for students with disabilities are not widespread throughout the universities and don’t present common criteria. The need to raise awareness of the library staff is evident, moreover to improve the libraries organitation.


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How to Cite

Millán Reyes, A. N. (2010). Librarian services: a perspective of students with disabilities and the library staff of six university libraries in Madrid. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 33(1), 106–126.


