The measurement of impact and evaluation of information literacy programs in school libraries


  • Miguel Ángel Marzal Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Pablo Parra Biblioteca Municipal «Ricardo León» de Galapagar
  • María Jesús Colmenero Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



information literacy, school libraries, learning and teaching resources centres, information literacy program’s assessment


This article analyzes the theoretical approach and methodological development of a project of applied research, as well as offering an approximation to the early results. The aim of the project, financed by the Ministry of Education, was to propose a model of indicators for information literacy competency for school libraries. In considering information literacy as a competency for knowing and learning via networks, and the school library as a Teaching and Learning Resource Center, the authors propose a design for qualitative indicators to measure the progress and quality of information literacy programs in school libraries. The design of the model of indicators is presented, with the model categorized according to skills, abilities and competencies. These criteria were introduced into a questionnaire based on educational levels and covering selected digital resources. The applicability of this tool was tested in Asturias, Navarre and Madrid. The application of the questionnaire in these three regions of Spain, the nature of the questions, the processing of the resulting data, and an initial interpretative analysis by educational levels are described. Finally some initial conclusions are put forward for a future project, as are recommendations for developing a Knowledge Society beginning with an effective plan for information literacy programs in school libraries to be transformed into Teaching and Learning Resource Centers.


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How to Cite

Marzal, M. Ángel, Parra, P., & Colmenero, M. J. (2011). The measurement of impact and evaluation of information literacy programs in school libraries. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 34(2), 190–211.


