Theoretical approach to the relation among the terms «record management», «information management» and «knowledge management»


  • Verónica Gauchi Risso Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - Universidad de Granada, Fac. Comunicación y Documentación



Record management, information management, knowledge management


The purpose of this paper is to offer a theoretical approach to the terms «record management», «information management» and «knowledge management», as well as to the relationships among them. This work consists of a descriptive review of the pertinent literature in which the chosen terms are described individually. It aims to transmit scientifically valid information in order to establish a relationship among the three. Three aspects are drawn together in the conceptualization: documents, communication technologies, and people, the combination of which gives rise to a number of strengths that constitute the capital of any organization. This process provides evidence of a strong relationship among record management, information management and knowledge management, which together represent a complementary and indispensable grouping in any organization.


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How to Cite

Gauchi Risso, V. (2012). Theoretical approach to the relation among the terms «record management», «information management» and «knowledge management». Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 35(4), 531–554.


