Google Sky and cataloguing standards: an example of the divergence between the most queried astronomical information and what cataloguing standards allow us to describe


  • M. Pilar Alonso-Lifante University of Murcia
  • Celia Chaín-Navarro University of Murcia



Google Sky, SIMBAD, NED, cataloguing, MARC 21, ISBD consolidated edition, RDA, celestial cartographic material description, astronomical images, astronomical information retrieval


A survey has been carried out on the astronomical information supplied by Google Sky and the information which can be described using the standards MARC21, ISBD consolidated edition, and RDA. The main goal of the study is to show that some astronomical and astrophysical information is still not taken into account in describing different astronomical resources as well as cartographic material. This information could eventually be incorporated as description fields of the aforementioned cataloguing rules. Such fields would allow us to carry out a much more complete and adequate description of these astronomical resources. We have focused on celestial objects appearing in astronomical images which can be found in astronomical archives and libraries. First a brief survey of astronomical information supplied by Google Sky and its linked databases, SIMBAD and NED is performed. Subsequently, we show how the existing description fields describe celestial cartographic materials, and finally we present a new proposal consisting of the desirable minimum parameters which could be included in bibliographic records.


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How to Cite

Alonso-Lifante, M. P., & Chaín-Navarro, C. (2013). Google Sky and cataloguing standards: an example of the divergence between the most queried astronomical information and what cataloguing standards allow us to describe. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 36(4), e020.


