The Motivational Knowledge Management Model: proposal to apply it in the library sector


  • Daniel López-Fernández Grupo de Innovación Educativa Tutorial Action, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Pedro P. Alarcón Grupo de Innovación Educativa Tutorial Action, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Edmundo Tovar Grupo de Innovación en la Gestión de Calidad de Centros Universitarios, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Santiago Alonso Grupo de Innovación Educativa Tutorial Action, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Professional productivity, knowledge management, knowledge management model, evaluation instrument, motivation, ICT


In professional environments, attention paid to aspects such as supervisory styles, interpersonal relationships and workers eagerness can have a positive impact on employee motivation and, consequently, on their performance and well-being. To achieve this, knowledge management models such as those presented here can be applied. This model generates diagnoses of motivation and recommendations for improvement, both systematically and scientifically. Consequently, it is especially useful for managers and human resource departments. The proposed model can be adapted to different kinds of professional groups, including those in library and documentation services. The suitability, reliability and usefulness of the proposed model have been empirically checked through case studies with 92 students and 166 professionals. The positive results allow us to conclude that the model is effective and useful for assessing and improving motivation.


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How to Cite

López-Fernández, D., Alarcón, P. P., Tovar, E., & Alonso, S. (2016). The Motivational Knowledge Management Model: proposal to apply it in the library sector. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 39(4), e157.


