A bibliometric study on advertising research in Spain: themes, researchers, networks and centers of production (1980-2015)





Research, advertising, scientific journals, scientific production, Spain


This article addresses Spanish scientific production on advertising, starting with a bibliometric analysis of the articles published in Spanish communication scientific journals between 1980 and 2015, using a sample of 1,050 articles from 80 journals. The scientific production was characterized formally and thematically along with the authors and production centers, and the research networks were identified as well. The results showed that there was positive evolution of research on advertising from a quantitative point of view, although they also confirmed some problems that question its maturity: the scarce internationalization, the low level of scientific collaboration and the absence of a cohesive research network. Although the study did take into account the entire body of research on advertising, it focused on the publication patterns of scientific articles -the main channel of dissemination of science today-, and contributed to a greater understanding of the advertising research map in Spain in the last four decades.


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How to Cite

Baladrón-Pazos, A. J., Manchado-Pérez, B., & Correyero-Ruiz, B. (2017). A bibliometric study on advertising research in Spain: themes, researchers, networks and centers of production (1980-2015). Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 40(2), e170. https://doi.org/10.3989/redc.2017.2.1411


