The use of free licenses in open public data




Open access, open governmental data, information licenses, copyright, data analysis, sui generis database rights, data mining, big data, reuse of public sector information (PSI), Creative Commons, Opendatacommons


Big data, the massive amounts of data collected using different technological tools or extracted from large collections of information in different formats, are able to generate new knowledge in diverse sectors. But problems are posed regarding both their ownership and subsequent use. This study analyzes the concept of data analysis, as well as the different types of data and their possible regulation, presenting an overview of how in recent years some open licensing schemes have begun to be implemented for avoiding the legal obstacles facing the inclusion of these data types in the creation of new knowledge. The study shows how different governments and international organizations that produce public data have found an appropriate mechanism for promoting the use and reuse of large volumes of public data through these licenses - in particular, the PPDL and CC0 modalities in which all rights to databases are waived.


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How to Cite

Ramos-Simón, L. F. (2017). The use of free licenses in open public data. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 40(3), e179.


