Implication of local governments in the entrepreneurship promotion: evidence from Spain




information disclosure, entrepreneurship, local governments, indicators, websites


This study analyzes, In the context of the dissemination of information from local administrations, the degree and type of information about entrepreneurship that local governments from the Cáceres province offer through their web pages and, secondly, the possible similarities and differences between municipalities regarding their disclosure levels. The results show that the smount of disclosed information is low and that the most widely disseminated information is general information, followed by information on digital entrepreneurship and dissemination and communication with the entrepreneur. Information on resources and support for the entrepreneur and active entrepreneurship is also disclosed, but is still very scarce. The study also reveals the existence of two categories of municipalities based on the level of disclosure of information, along with the population, socio-economic, fiscal and political characteristics for each of them.


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How to Cite

Cagica Carvalho, L., Pérez Calderón, E., & Pache Durán, M. (2019). Implication of local governments in the entrepreneurship promotion: evidence from Spain. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 42(1), e226.


