Intergroup contact and attitudes in public libraries: A study with Moroccan and Spanish users in Barcelona and Almería




intergroup contact, attitudes, public libraries, IFLA, Spanish, Moroccan, Barcelona, Almería


This study analyzes contact, intergroup attitudes and related psychosocial variables in users of Spanish public libraries with the objective of knowing if the application of the IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) guidelines for multicultural communities by libraries encourages contact and improves intergroup attitudes. Spanish and Moroccan users from Barcelona libraries (that met IFLA Guidelines) and Almería libraries (that didn’t meet them) were selected. Spanish users (NBarcelona = 138 and NAlmería = 116) responded a survey about Moroccans and these (NBarcelona = 89 and NAlmería = 100) about Spanish. Intergroup attitudes and other variables were more positive in Barcelona users but intergroup contact was different between Spanish and Moroccan users.


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How to Cite

Cervantes, L., Navas, M., & Cuadrado, I. (2019). Intergroup contact and attitudes in public libraries: A study with Moroccan and Spanish users in Barcelona and Almería. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 42(1), e227.


