Disruptive impact of e-book on Spanish publishers’ value chain: a case study





publishing industry, e-book, value chain, disintermediation, digitization, Spain


The present work analyses the disruptive impact of the e-book on the Spanish publishers’ value chain. A case study on three Spanish publishing companies is carried out. The most relevant results obtained are: a) the development of e-book does not encourage the publisher to reduce its production of paper books but complements this traditional activity, b) the development of e-book encourages the publisher to redefine its value chain to integrate the new product, c) the new digital context opens the possibility for Spanish publishers to obtain advantages derived from disintermediation, and d) existing business models in already consolidated publishing companies must be rethought to adapt them to e-book, which can be imply a commitment to maintain both formats -paper and electronic- or renounce paper and move towards a business model solely dedicated to e-books.


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How to Cite

Magadán-Díaz, M., & Rivas-García, J. I. (2020). Disruptive impact of e-book on Spanish publishers’ value chain: a case study. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 43(1), e258. https://doi.org/10.3989/redc.2020.1.1650


