Out-put of the Spanish Universities in Physics, measured as Spanish and foreign scientific publications


  • César A. Macias-Chapula Deparment of Information Science. The City University




Citation analysis, scientific Journal, biomedicine, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico


Archivos de lnvestigación Médica (Mcxico), Medicina (Argentina), Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo (Brasil) , and Revista Médica de Chi1e (Chile) were selected to conducta l:itation :mal ysis, to know their intercommunication patterns, and to detcct ind1cators which would help to perform further research. The journal selcction was performed through an analysis of the journals more highly disseminatcd in the region and internationally, as covered by six secondary sources (lndcx Medicus, lndex Medicus Latinoamericano, Excerpta Medica, Science Citation lndex, Biological Ahstracts, and Chemical Abstracts). Science Citation lndex, Journal Citation Reports (1987) was used to conduct the citation analysis. It was found that while Medicina (Argentina ) was the leader in impact factor, citations receivcd, and rank within its subject catcgory . Archivos de Investigación Médica (Mexico) was cited by journals of high impact factor and had a citing half lifc of over ten years. Although the rcsults . do not conclude on any significant findings. cither regional or tematic, they help to estahlish the basis whcre further reserch can he perforrned. Such rescarch lines are described by thc author.


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How to Cite

Macias-Chapula, C. A. (1991). Out-put of the Spanish Universities in Physics, measured as Spanish and foreign scientific publications. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 14(4), 420–427. https://doi.org/10.3989/redc.1991.v14.i4.420


