Classification of academic research in Metaliteracy




Metaliteracy, information literacy, multiliteracies, taxonomies, competence categories, education, research, classification


Among the multiliteracies landscape, Metaliteracy presents a transversal and integrative conceptual model. Its innovative approach invites to identify published work and categorize them to understand their methods of study. Research regarding Metaliteracy was identified by a review of the literature, categorizing the results by authorship, date, institutional affiliation of authors and main sources of publication. Regarding the subject analysis, an ad hoc classification was applied to organize keywords and match them to thematic categories of the Taxonomic Model of the research project VOREMETUR. The results of this project aim to design Metaliteracy programs for digital information. Metaliteracy academic research is still scarce and recent. The degree of authorship and dispersion is high. The conceptual development of Metaliteracy is linked to the theoretical foundation of case studies, without a global approach to applied research. The validity of the VOREMETUR Taxonomic Model is verified.


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How to Cite

Marzal, M. Ángel ., & Martínez-Cardama, S. . (2020). Classification of academic research in Metaliteracy. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 43(4), e279.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers HAR2016-75949-C2-1-R