Análisis de la implementación en el repositorio RODERIC e impacto en el posicionamiento en Google y Google Scholar



Keywords:, repositories, search engine optimization, academic SEO, semantic web, JSON-LD, RODERIC


The implementation of in the RODERIC repository of the Universitat de València is presented. For the analysis of the impact of the implementation, eight indicators have been defined that have been analyzed in Google Search and Google Scholar according to the case: visits, visits to bibliographic records, downloaded documents, impressions, clicks, CTR, average position in the SERP and position in the SERP; they were analyzed for two consecutive one-year periods, before and after implementation. The results obtained show uneven results for both search engines. In the case of Google Search, despite achieving a considerable increase in the number of impressions (21.05%), both clicks (10.38%) and the number of sessions (15.03%) decreased. In the case of Google Scholar, the sessions increased slightly (6.25%). The number of records viewed and document downloads from the repository improved by 16.21% and 12.18%, respectively.


Download data is not yet available.


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How to Cite

Nevado-Chiné, N. ., Alcaraz-Martínez, R. ., & Navalón, J. Ángel . (2021). Análisis de la implementación en el repositorio RODERIC e impacto en el posicionamiento en Google y Google Scholar. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 44(3), e300.


