Explorando los Determinantes de la Producción de Investigación: Tipología de los Docentes Investigadores en una Universidad en Ecuador





Research output, universities, análisis de cluster, características individuales, factores institucionales


The purpose of this research is to describe the research profile of university professors in Ecuador, considering their research output, individual factors (academic qualification level and period of time at the institution) and institutional factors (time invested in research). The cluster analysis was applied to a sample of 538 Ecuadorian academics. Five researcher profiles with different levels of scientific production were identified: (1) lecturers, (2) stars, (3) high potential, (4) low potential and, (5) underused. Our findings indicate that the number of hours allocated by the university for research activities per se is not a determinant of the university research output. Research results suggest that the university authorities in Ecuador should establish specific strategies, based on the five profiles, to increase individual research output. The study delivers specific guidelines for enhancing decisions about the allocation of resources to improve individual research output in the universities.


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How to Cite

Dávila, G. A. ., Puertas-Bravo, L. ., Armijos-Valdivieso, R. ., & Avolio-Alecchi, B. . (2022). Explorando los Determinantes de la Producción de Investigación: Tipología de los Docentes Investigadores en una Universidad en Ecuador. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 45(3), e333. https://doi.org/10.3989/redc.2022.3.1884


