Imbrication of computational thinking and digital literacy. Modeling from a systematic review of the literatura




digital literacy, higher education, educational innovation, computational thinking, complex thinking


In teaching, the importance of consolidating computational thinking (CT) and digital literacy (DL) as two necessary skills to train professionals in the 21st century has been pointed out. However, the scientific production that has interwoven both topics is scarce. The objective of this article was to carry out a systematic review of the literature that analyzes the link between both concepts in the period 2010-2021. The result is an overlapping proposal that addresses abstraction, algorithm design, pattern identification, and decomposition as basic components of CT, and computational concepts, practices, and perspectives as experiential components. Regarding DL, critical, informational and communicative skills were considered. It is concluded that the hypotheses that are established from the model that has been designed here are a contribution that will serve as a frame of reference to discuss the importance of incorporating CT as a higher order digital literacy.


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How to Cite

George-Reyes, C. E. (2023). Imbrication of computational thinking and digital literacy. Modeling from a systematic review of the literatura. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 46(1), e345.




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