Competitiveness of cities in the Latin American context: a bibliometric and social network analysis




territorial competitiveness, intermediate cities, Bibliometrics, social network analysis, Latin America


Urban competitiveness is considered one of the priorities of the New Public Policy and its reality since the global economy has changed drastically, thus highlighting the importance of local decision-making and the development of specific policies for cities. This article analyzes the scientific production on territorial competitiveness of cities in the Latin American context. A bibliometric and network study were conducted using the calculation of indexes, multivariate classification techniques, and software such as IBM-SPSS, VOS viewer, and Gephi for data processing, network construction, and social networks fundamental indicators. The study highlights the most relevant scientific productions aligned with the subject and considers the impact factor, citations, and year of publication, as well as the main categories analyzed by the authors and the social network formed around the identified relationships.


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How to Cite

Sarmiento-Ramírez, Y., Muñoz-Arroyave, E. A., Hechavaría-Pérez, J. R., López-Martínez, A., & Pérez-Cutiño, Y. (2023). Competitiveness of cities in the Latin American context: a bibliometric and social network analysis. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 46(2), e356.


