Overlapping and singularity of MEDLINE, WoS and IME for the analysis of the scientific activity of a region in Health Sciences


  • Rodrigo Costas Instituto de Estudios Documentales sobre Ciencia y Tecnología (IEDCYT, antes CINDOC). CSIC.
  • Luz Moreno Instituto de Estudios Documentales sobre Ciencia y Tecnología (IEDCYT, antes CINDOC). CSIC.
  • María Bordons Instituto de Estudios Documentales sobre Ciencia y Tecnología (IEDCYT, antes CINDOC). CSIC.




health sciences, bibliographic databases, institutional address, overlapping, coverage, singularity, Bibliometrics, MEDLINE, Web of Science, IME


The inclusion of a single affiliation address in MEDLINE bibliographic records is a well-known important limitation for the use of this database for bibliometric purposes. This paper provides quantitative data regarding the effects of this limitation on the quantity and impact of the scientific production of a Spanish region measured via MEDLINE. It is estimated that 1/3 of the papers produced by this region cannot be identified in this database because the region does not appear in the affiliation address. Moreover, the impact of the region tends to be undervalued since these collaborative papers are published in «better» journals and receive more citations than many other publications.


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How to Cite

Costas, R., Moreno, L., & Bordons, M. (2008). Overlapping and singularity of MEDLINE, WoS and IME for the analysis of the scientific activity of a region in Health Sciences. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 31(3), 327–343. https://doi.org/10.3989/redc.2008.v31.i3.432




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