The production of State information and documentation: towards an inventory of public resources


  • Luis Fernando Ramos Simón Grupo de investigación Publidoc-UCM, Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Concepción Mendo Carmona Grupo de investigación Publidoc-UCM, Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Rosario Arquero Avilés Grupo de investigación Publidoc-UCM, Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid



public administration, re-use of public information, planning and design of public information and documentation systems, public information assets, information and documentation policies


The internet offers a new way of shaping the messages that the State transmits to its citizens and provides a means of generating new relationships with them. With this in mind, this paper focuses on how State-produced information should be organized to provide a useful information service. The proper generation and management of public sector information is essential, not just for its own inherent value but because of the economic assets with which it deals. In this context of the access to and the re-use of public information there is also a need for the use of specific terminology. This paper sets out the general principles governing the management of information generated by the public sector and, with respect to the inventory principle, summarizes the main results obtained within the framework of our research group on the identification and description of public sector information and documentation assets, particularly those of State authorities. This subject is of great interest to practitioners and researchers in Library and Information Science, since it puts into perspective the value of documentary information resources and provides great impetus for the creation of a public information services market.


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How to Cite

Ramos Simón, L. F., Mendo Carmona, C., & Arquero Avilés, R. (2009). The production of State information and documentation: towards an inventory of public resources. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 32(1), 40–59.




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