The systematic structure of a thesaurus: indicators for quality assessment
Indicators, quality, systematic structure, thesauriAbstract
Four indicators are proposed to assess the quality of a thesaurus’ systematic structure. This proposal considers that the specifications included in thesauri design and development standards, together with the principles of classification theory, represent the quality requirements to be met by the inherent characteristics of a thesaurus. The characteristics that do not meet the requirements are considered nonconformities. Four indicators are proposed to measure nonconformities, and were tested in three thesauri in Spanish. The results (i.e., nonconformities) were: 1) Percentage of preferred terms designating more than one concept: 10,8 % for DeCS, 7,3 % Spines and 10,9 % Unesco. 2) Percentage of preferred terms without a hierarchical relation: 0 DeCS, 1,4 % Spines and 1,1 % Unesco. 3) Percentage of preferred terms with more than one broader term: 53,8 % DeCS, 14,9 % Spines, 0 Unesco. 4) Percentage of preferred terms with only one narrower term: 13,5 % DeCS, 3,5 % Spines, 10,3 % Unesco. We conclude that the proposed indicators can be useful for assessing the quality of a thesaurus’ systematic structure during the design and development processes.
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