Intelligent System for Detection and Guidance of users in Libraries


  • Bonifacio Castaño Dpto. de Matemáticas, Universidad de Alcalá
  • Yolanda E-Martín Dpto. de Automática, Universidad de Alcalá
  • M. Dolores R-Moreno Dpto. de Automática, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, España
  • Luis Usero Dpto. de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Alcalá



RFID, libraries, library services, planning, artificial intelligence, Zigbee


Since the late nineties, Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) manages library catalogs, loans, returns and security. RFID, with a moderate investment, improve the capabilities of both, librarian and user. This paper presents a new use for RFID to determine where a book is located and the shortest route to it in libraries with multiple levels and rooms. An application named SIGUEME (Sistema Inteligente de GUiado para Entornos Multiusuario Extensos; Intelligent System to Guide for Multiuser Extensive Environments) was implemented experimentally in the Meco’s public library (Madrid). The system allows people detection and customized guiding in the building thanks to different screen placed in strategic points. We have developed a wireless communications system based on Zigbee technology that eliminates the need of wires.


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How to Cite

Castaño, B., E-Martín, Y., R-Moreno, M. D., & Usero, L. (2013). Intelligent System for Detection and Guidance of users in Libraries. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 36(1), en003.



Notes and Experiences