The twenty-first century university: new ways of teaching, new types of librarian


  • Ana Extremeño Facultad de Documentación Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid
  • María João Amante ISCTE – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Servicios de Información y Documentación, Lisboa
  • António Firmino da Costa ISCTE – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Departamento de Sociologia, Lisboa



Higher education centers, academis librarians, university librarians


The methodologies of teaching-learning in higher education centers are experiencing profound changes that also involve changes in the educational organization itself. Technological advances and the Internet have contributed decisively to a more open and interactive learning experience that requires information professionals to adopt new roles to meet the challenges, as well as new behaviors to achieve the commitments required of them. Based on these assumptions and considering their implications, the aim of this paper is to define the new concept of librarian in higher education centers.


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How to Cite

Extremeño, A., Amante, M. J., & Firmino da Costa, A. (2013). The twenty-first century university: new ways of teaching, new types of librarian. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 36(2), en005.



Notes and Experiences