Evaluative models of Metaliteracy and Information Literacy as factors in academic excellence





Metaliteracy, information literacy, academic literacy, model of indicators, competencies evaluation


The paper analyzes the transformation of information literacy from the point of convergence of information competencies and communication competencies. This junction is needed due to the new context promoted by eScience, Social Web, collaborative learning, and the use of images in Education. Information literacy should be coordinated with visual literacy, data literacy, transliteracy and new media literacy, enabling the impact of metaliteracy in Education. The paper studies the definition of metaliteracy in Higher Education to demonstrate the need for designing an competence evaluation model in metaliteracy. The paper details the method of searching for references and presents a structure of categories for organizing a proposal for appropriate indicators, with a presentation of a proposal for a metaliteracy competency assessment model.


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How to Cite

Marzal, M. Ángel, & Borges, J. (2017). Evaluative models of Metaliteracy and Information Literacy as factors in academic excellence. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 40(3), e184. https://doi.org/10.3989/redc.2017.3.1410


