Analysis of collaboration networks between Higher Education Institutions in Colombia according to ResearchGate




ResearchGate, RG score, collaboration networks, high quality accreditation, academic reputation, bibliometrics, altmetrics


The aim of this article is to analyze the collaboration networks between Higher Education Institutions in Colombia, according to the parameter “Top collaborating institutions” in ResearchGate. This paper makes a comparison between the networks of Higher Education Institutions accredited as high quality and those not accredited, according to the indicators of the National Accreditation System in Colombia. The analysis of the institutional collaboration is carried out by constructing joint work networks, using the UCINET software. The first institution registered in the “top of collaboration”, published in the ResearchGate profile of each Higher Education Institution, is taken in account. The results shows that accredited institutions have a well-connected and integrated collaboration network. On the other hand, the non-accredited institutions have a weak and poorly integrated collaboration network. In addition, non-accredited universities seek to collaborate mostly with accredited institutions and not between them. In this way, the efforts of non-accredited institutions are not well coordinated and become diluted in the distribution of their relationships.


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How to Cite

Pertuz, V., Pérez, A., Vega, A., & Aguilar-Ávila, J. (2020). Analysis of collaboration networks between Higher Education Institutions in Colombia according to ResearchGate. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 43(2), e265.


