Social media in libraries. A bibliometric analysis in Ibero-america




social media, libraries, social networks, web 2.0, Ibero-america


Today we live in an era of constant technological development, where the use of social media is essential to have a greater reach to people. This study performs a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production on social media in libraries in Ibero-America indexed in the Scopus database during the period 2007-2021. For this purpose, 76 publications were analyzed according to indicators of production, collaboration, impact and thematic structural analysis. Results show that scientific production about social media in libraries has had irregular growth during this period; Spanish authors and journals have higher productivity; publications in better positioned journals from the U.S. or the U.K. have greater impact; and there is a low level of scientific collaboration. In addition, studies focused on university or academic libraries predominate, although they are also applied to all type of libraries.


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How to Cite

Retuerto-Marzano, L., Castro-Cordova, E. P., Kessler, M. I., & Limaymanta, C. H. (2023). Social media in libraries. A bibliometric analysis in Ibero-america. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 46(2), e357.


