Approaching textual documents from the perspective of discourse studies


  • Michela Montesi Facultad de Documentación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid



document, information science, multimodality, legibility, readability


This theoretical work introduces the areas of research and the topics of studies on the design and discourse of information that highlight the less often examined and less well known features of textual documents, thus redefining their conception. The role of typographic elements in the configuration of messages is discussed, as is multimodality or the coexistence of different modes within the same document, and the interaction of prose and images. The need to conceive textual documents as part of a dynamic process of consumption that includes document readers with all their expectations, knowledge and experiences is underscored. We argue that a different understanding of textual documents can have important implications for documentation science, especially with regard to the modes of interaction between document and documentation professional.


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How to Cite

Montesi, M. (2009). Approaching textual documents from the perspective of discourse studies. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 32(4), 92–105.


