Literacy for a networked and digital social culture


  • Nieves González Fernández-Villavicencio Universidad P. de Olavide. Sevilla.



Information literacy, InfoLit, digital literacy, digital skills, media and digital literacy, media and information literacy, biblioredes, Plan Alba, CI2


Technologies are changing the concept of literacy and of the basic skills necessary to be considered literate in a digital and networked culture. New critical, technological and social skills redefine the need to be literate and, as such, for information literacy. This requires a new term, such as Digital Literacy, in order to include the new skills and to focus more on the training of individuals rather than on the professional groups involved in the training. Several examples are presented, both within our country and beyond, of initiatives undertaken by libraries in digital literacy and in the generation of local digital content.


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How to Cite

González Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2012). Literacy for a networked and digital social culture. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 35(Monográfico), 17–45.




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