HJ-Biplot as a tool for inspection of bibliometric data matrices


  • Adrián A. Díaz-Faes Instituto de Estudios Documentales sobre Ciencia y Tecnología (IEDCYT), Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS-CSIC)
  • Borja González-Albo Instituto de Estudios Documentales sobre Ciencia y Tecnología (IEDCYT), Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS-CSIC)
  • María Purificación Galindo Departamento de Estadística, Universidad de Salamanca
  • María Bordons Instituto de Estudios Documentales sobre Ciencia y Tecnología (IEDCYT), Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS-CSIC)




HJ-Biplot, multivariate analysis, bibliometrics, scientific collaboration, CSIC


The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the usefulness of the HJ-Biplot in bibliometric studies. It is a simple and intuitive display, similar to a scatterplot, but capturing the multivariate covariance structures between bibliometric indicators. Their interpretation does not require specialized statistical knowledge, but merely to know how to interpret the length of a vector, the angle between two vectors and the distance between two points. With this aim, an analysis has been performed of the scientific output of CSIC's own centres as well as of joint centres during the period 2006-2009, in relation to a series of indicators based on impact and collaboration. Biplot methods are graphical representations of multivariate data. Using HJ-Biplot it is possible to interpret simultaneously the position of the centres, represented by dots; indicators, represented by vectors; and the relationships between them. The position of the centres in the context of their area as well as within the overall CSIC is analysed and those centres with a unique behaviour are identified. We conclude that the Humanities and Social Sciences, and Food Science and Technology are the areas with a greater homogeneous pattern in the performance of their centres, while Physics and Agriculture, are more heterogeneous.


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How to Cite

Díaz-Faes, A. A., González-Albo, B., Galindo, M. P., & Bordons, M. (2013). HJ-Biplot as a tool for inspection of bibliometric data matrices. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 36(1), e001. https://doi.org/10.3989/redc.2013.1.988




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