The DCI standard in film archives. The transition to digital systems in the contemporary activity of film archives (2010-2014)


  • Pablo García-Casado Director de la Filmoteca de Andalucía
  • Jordi Alberich-Pascual Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación de la Universidad de Granada



DCI, cinema, film archive, digitalization, standardization, exhibition, conservation


This article sets out the current state of the shift towards a new digital paradigm in the world of cinema with the implementation of the DCI system (Digital Cinema Initiatives) as the international standard of cinema production, distribution and exhibition. The article also analyses the parallels between this agreement for standardization, driven by the major film studios in 2002, and the agreements made by these same companies almost a hundred years earlier, in the middle of the second decade of the last century. In addition, the article presents how film archives are experiencing this digital transition and how they have accepted the normalization offered by the DCI as the standard for film conservation and exhibition.


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How to Cite

García-Casado, P., & Alberich-Pascual, J. (2015). The DCI standard in film archives. The transition to digital systems in the contemporary activity of film archives (2010-2014). Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 38(4), e107.


