Arts in Higher Education: an evaluation of Fine Arts research activity in Spain through quality indicators




Research, fine arts, quality indicators, assessment of teaching staff, databases


The long-standing conflict between research evaluation standards and the fine arts dates from the transformation of the former schools of fine arts into bachelor’s degree programs. The origin of the conflict is epistemological in nature and has consequences at both the academic and curricular level. The quality indicators for evaluating professors are the central issue of this problem still to be solved. Although current systems of evaluation cover both the production of scientific publications as part of traditional research and the artistic creation itself, academics in the fine arts note that deficiencies exist in the assessment of both these aspects.The focus of this paper is primarily on the study of the main national and international databases in the arts, in order to assess their validity as quality indicators for the scholarly output of academics.


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How to Cite

Caerols Mateo, R., Verdú Ruiz, S., & Viñarás Abad, M. (2017). Arts in Higher Education: an evaluation of Fine Arts research activity in Spain through quality indicators. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 40(4), e191.


