The promotion of reading: a critical analysis of research articles




Reading Promotion, Reading habits, Recreational Reading, Emergent Literacy, Reading Programs, Libraries, Public virtual epitext


Reading is an increasingly worrisome issue. Low rates of reading, reading comprehension results of students, and the challenge of the new digital context have provoked an important debate around reading and how to promote it. This paper analyzes the research published from 2000 to 2015 in international journals indexed in Scopus and WoS, and highlights the need to look at this matter from an interdisciplinary and empirical perspective. The final aim is to establish the basis for appropriate action in order to consolidate stable reading habits, especially among children and youth. The analysis concludes that much of what is currently on offer for promoting reading is basically an attempt to make books and reading appear attractive to young readers, although research on the results of such initiatives is still scarce.


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How to Cite

Lluch, G., & Sánchez-García, S. (2017). The promotion of reading: a critical analysis of research articles. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 40(4), e192.


