Spanish university space on the Web (2010): descriptive study of academic institutions and products through the analysis of subdomains and folders


  • Enrique Orduña-Malea Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)



University syste, cybermetrics, webometrics, university institutions, university products, thematic analysis, URL syntax, Spain


A descriptive analysis of the Spanish university system on the Net during 2010 is presented, through the identification, collection and analysis of a sample of entities (and associated URLs), at both the level of universities and university units (classified into institutions and products). An analysis is made of the number of institutions with valid URLs suited for cybermetric analysis purposes and the type of URL syntax (subdomain or subdirectory). Likewise, multi-domain and redirection practices are detected. For units with an identifiable area of knowledge (faculties, schools, departments, and research groups, centers and institutes), a thematic analysis is also carried out. The results indicate that the Spanish academic space has a complex structure, with abundant redirection and multi-domain practices, with a predominance of subdirectories in institutions and subdomains in products, and where the natural sciences have -by number of associated entities and URLs - a major presence.


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How to Cite

Orduña-Malea, E. (2013). Spanish university space on the Web (2010): descriptive study of academic institutions and products through the analysis of subdomains and folders. Revista Española De Documentación Científica, 36(3), e017.




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